Hacktoberfest 2024, Entry 3

I’m working on the Datadog Service Catalog Metadata Provider (DDSCMP) in this post!

Last I left off, I was adding the metadata schema, and I was about to add a test. My goal this weekend is to get most of the transform code done, including tests. First up is the metadata schema, and then I’ll do the base entity schema. Following that, I’ll implement the various schema with additional fields on top of entity.

The cool thing about this schema is that once you implement entity, you have most of everything else. The entity schema needs me to implement the metadata schema as a prerequisite, which is why I started there.

Hopefully by the end of today I have the rest of the transforms done and tested; wish me luck! 🤞🏻

In other developments, the rabbitmq-c PR was approved! Once I’m finished with my DDSCMP changes I’m going to shift back to implementing that function in Net::AMQP::RabbitMQ. I promised folks I’d have the DDSCMP stuff done by end-of-October, and I want to keep that promise. This approach has the added benefit of giving the rabbitmq-c maintainer time to cut a new release so that I can use an official release version rather than pushing code with a fork.

I hope your Hacktoberfest weekend goes well, too.

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