1 min read 1 Gist of the Day Hacking Perl Gist of the Day: Using Mojo, Mongo, and SL4A to send SMS Messages (2 of 2) manchicken 2013-09-20 I am very sorry that I missed posting this yesterday, I kinda got crazy sleepy and went to bed shortly…
1 min read 1 Free Software General Gist of the Day Hacking Perl Gist of the Day: Using Mojo, Mongo, and SL4A to send SMS Messages (1 of 2) manchicken 2013-09-18 I got a little bored with what I had been posting (I suspect you did, too), so I’m doing something…
1 min read 0 Gist of the Day Hacking Perl Gist of the Day: Old SL4A Example! manchicken 2013-09-17 So I’m on very little sleep after a long three days of travel which is not yet done. Nonetheless, the…